
I”m Margarita Rentas… the artist behind the lens! 

I've been into photography since I was 11yrs old. I would pose my cat and take photos of him with props, backdrops and I would do an entire shoot...to then take the film to the farmacy for development… I waited a week to see how my images came out. Yes! I waited an entire week. Can you believe that?

I still shoot as if I had a roll of film in my camera, taking my time to perfect the image while I”m still shooting. I absolutely love to work with mommies and newborn babies. I don’t just click a button; I create artistic images of you, your pregnancy and your family memories. 

Above all I’m a child of God, and everything I do, I do for the glory of God! I believe that everything I am today, He designed me to be; from being a mom to my absolute obsession for running three times a week, and  the passion for photography, especially underwater photography… I just love being underwater, it's a different world…living “la vida” waterproof.

I’m a creative soul and love working with my hands… these stunning wings you see in my images are one of my designs, and creation. Two creative Souls is a prop shop I own with my 14year old daughter Xennaya, and my son Elijah whom also love to work with his hands and creates beautiful newborn beds.

One of my most favorite things to be in this world is to be a mom. I’m so blessed to be the mom of four amazing humans! I’m currently homeschooling/unschooling my two youngest and they are my inspiration every day and where my passion for capturing motherhood comes from.  I wouldn’t be able to do all that I do without my forever love Mr. Rentas. I'm totally blessed with this God fearing man that has supported me through the hi’s and low’s of my career and has been my right hand for the past 17 years on this  journey called life!

Thank you for considering me to capture your motherhood memories!

Published Image in the TOAPAN Magazine



2010-Professional Photography Degree from the Arts Institute
2014 Professional Photographers Association Member
2010-present Trained, Mentored and assisted in maternity & newborn workshops with Ana Brandt 

2017-Published in the TAOPAN Magazine
2018 Belly to Baby Beyond -CA

2020 Photography Mentor and Photography Educator- Orlando Florida

2022 Certified International Trainer by Ana Brandt and the Baby Academy- Tustin, California

2022 Launched Two Creative Souls- Luxury Angel Wings designer